What My Clients Say About Me



The View From the Other Chair…




Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes,

Dressed head to toe with pizzaz and style.

Calm, caring, compassionate and direct,

Always questioning why? - Your answers to detect.


Honest, intelligent, articulate and contented,

Guiding, encouraging, purposeful, unrelenting.

Composed, interested, engaged; sitting in the worn green chair,

Gazing at you with her wise and knowing stare.


Non-judgemental, empathic, and kind,

No gifts will she take, no matter your find.

Well, that’s not entirely true,

Fans, she does like and honey spoons too.


Gifts she will give you in untold measure,

Always reminding that “for balance you need pleasure.”

“I don’t know” I repeat often, not wanting to comply,

She then says “ah, but you must know how you feel and why”


Hugs she will give while standing at the gate,

And bid you farewell until the next session’s date.


Much Love, R



...and another lovely tribute from the above client after a few years of therapy...



60 Things I've Learned from Ola


                             • To love without fear and not want anything in return for that love. (Still a work in progress)

                             • To recognize the dark parts of my soul and to choose to live from the light part.

                             • To be authentic.

                             • To be genuine.

                             • To be honest with myself and to be honest with others.

                             • Vulnerability is a good thing.

                             • Having a relationship with myself is important.

                             • To take care of myself first is not being selfish.

                             • To laugh often.

                             • To live everyday as if it is my last day.

                             • I cannot control anything so trying to control anything is an exercise in futility.

                             • There is no right or wrong.

                             • I will make people angry and hurt them even if I am doing what is right for myself.

                             • Anger from others is mostly about them not about me.

                             • We all have issues so self-awareness is important.

                             • Breathing is extremely important and can help me through anything.

                             • Doing nothing is a good thing.

                             • I am responsible for my feelings.

                             • I am not responsible for anyone else’s feelings.

                             • It is important to protect “The Space” in a relationship.

                             • Everything I do impacts “The Space” in a relationship.

                             • Forgiveness is for me not for the other.

                             • Crying is not a bad thing and cleanses the soul.

                             • Guilt is a useless emotion.

                             • I am stronger than I think.

                             • I don’t always get what I want but I do get what I need.

                             • Therapy is really hard work but well worth the effort.

                             • Growth opportunities suck sometimes.

                             • It is not always best to give gifts and make grand gestures.

                             • I must sit with my feelings to learn to deal with them.

                             • Feelings will not kill me.

                             • I create my own anxiety.

                             • People have the right to say no.

                             • We are all doing the best that we can do each day.

                             • I am a good enough mother.

                             • Receiving is difficult for me but to refuse to receive is selfish.

                             • Giving is more about me than the other.

                             • Thinking about everything is not always the best choice.

                             • A sense of humor is good for the soul.

                             • To smile sometimes for no particular reason.

                             • To feel connected to others.

                             • To feel a connection to nature.

                             • To recognize that there is a power bigger than me.

                             • To appreciate not only the big things but the little things.

                             • To be spontaneous without worrying about the past.

                             • To enjoy each moment.

                             • Nothing last forever.

                             • To not concern myself with drama and not create my own drama.

                             • To stop doing other people’s thinking for them.

                             • To stop judging myself so harshly and to stop judging others.

                             • No one thinks like me but me.

                             • To give without expecting anything in return…even a thank you.

                             • To feel accepted for who I am; flaws and all.

                             • To feel appreciated and most importantly to feel lovable for the first time in my life.


Much Love, D.R.



"I have been seeing Ola on and off for 5 years for not only individual counseling but also for couples counseling. Individually, Ola has helped me overcome a food disorder and identify alternative coping mechanisms. She has also helped me identify how my childhood plays a role. Imago couples counseling has helped me better communicate my feelings and be a better mate by learning my mate's past and what was lacking. Her office space is a safe environment and Ola spends a lot of time getting to the root cause of issues. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is wanting to dive deeper into their personal or relational issues to overcome shame/hurt, gain freedom and learn to be a better partner.”

                                                                                                                                                                   - M. E., Peachtree City, Georgia



“I have found Ola to be extremely helpful in thinking through many challenging issues. She is very perceptive and quickly identifies the important facts and emotions at play and her analysis of situations, the personalities involved, and the options going forward always is spot on. She is very easy to talk to and has a wonderful way of asking questions that help focus and simplify issues so that they can be more easily and directly addressed. Ola is very helpful in discussing specific, thoughtful actions to take to address any issue. Her memory is outstanding which allows us to continue to build on what we have worked on in the past without wasting time repeating things. I always left Ola feeling better and I can’t recommend her counseling services highly enough.”

                                                                                                                                                      - A Fayette County Attorney



This is from the heart.  I tell everyone this.


Ola has given my 3 children the greatest gift a mother could hope for.  She has taught them how to talk to each other, respect their differences and ultimately be each others support through this very difficult time.  These skills have helped bond us as a family rather than deal on their own.  The trust, love, and growth will allow us to handle what ever else life deals us!   GN(41), JJ (14 yrs old), MG (11yrs old), GJ(8yrs old).



The transition from college to the next part of my life proved to be the most difficult time for me, as everything seemed to be falling apart. A bad relationship sent me into a downward spiral of unhealthy habits. Substances that had been used recreationally for years now became a grim problem. I felt totally out of control of my life. Everyday I woke up into the same recurring nightmare, and everyday I went deeper into the darkness I unknowingly created for myself. After living in this loop for months, numbing myself with whatever means available, it was as if I was in a permanent fog. I could no longer see a future for myself. I didn’t care to. Around this time, someone who cared for me referred me to Ola. I was stubborn and unwilling at first. I didn’t like the idea with being in “therapy,” and I certainly didn’t need anyone telling me what my problems were. I was living them everyday. Regardless, Ola and I met, and began talking. We met once a week. Gradually, I began to realize that I didn’t feel like I was in therapy at all. Instead, I was sharing the deepest parts of myself with a friend, who genuinely cared and wanted to see me succeed and be happy. One by one, we began addressing the problems in my life that I had been hiding from. Facing these problems took me out of my comfort zone at times, but Ola helped me discover the strength I had inside me to take charge of the world around me. With Ola’s help, I discovered a love for myself that I had never known, which has since grown exponentially. Currently I am pursuing my dream of becoming a Professional Pilot. I have also established and maintained many healthy friendships along the way. I finally feel like I am living my life the way I was meant to live it, and I’ve never been so confident in that.

                                                                                                                                                                  Atlanta, GA     B.W.





Myself, and my partner, both together, and individually have been seeing Ola for the past 3 years.  She is unlike any other counselor I have been to.  There are rarely strictly enforced end times, unless she has a client immediately after, she has talked to me several times well past the hour until I felt at peace with what had been burdening me.


Ola has a way to make you see, and talk about things you didn't even realize were bothering you when you walked in.


I recall one occasion being so stressed I was almost to the point of bailing on my relationship.  My first words upon starting our session were "Unless you have a magic pill, I am screwed".  Well she doesn't have magic pills obviously, but by the time I left, I felt as if the weight had been lifted, and I knew what I had to do to make my situation better. I felt a level of happiness, and relief upon leaving her that day I didn't think possible from a counseling session.



                                                                                        Love her.


                                                                               Highly recommended.

                                                         Happy partner (most of the time) :)) from PTC, GA.


© Copyright 2021 Ola Stasiak-Brough, M.A.

Site created by Strokes of Geenius / Shari Gee
